


“Super important for us to finally be addressing something we’ve avoided and been stuck on for a long time. Thank you, Dr. Jack!”
Couples Workshop Attendee

“After my videoconference with Dr. Jack, I could clearly see the way for helping my client. I love Dr. Jack’s patience and wisdom.”
Consultation Client

Dr. Crossen is the first Master Gottman Therapy Trainer in the Portland area, and has an extensive history of direct collaboration with Gottman Institute founders Drs. John and Julie Gottman, assisting at their Seattle workshops several times a year since 2007. His partnership with universities, counseling centers and private practices throughout the northwest region enable Dr. Crossen to provide services to a broad reach of therapists and couples alike.
Dr. Crossen’s passion for learning and helping couples spurred him to earn the highest level of Gottman certification. As of 2016, he is one of 25 therapists worldwide to earn a Master Gottman Couples Therapist certificate. But that distinction is not the end for Dr. Crossen.
A self-described “passionate learner of all things,” Dr. Crossen continues to work to acquire all available and up-to-date knowledge that will benefit couples. Dr. Crossen’s private therapy and workshops center around research and methods from The Gottman Institute, founded by Drs. John and Julie Gottman.
The Gottman Institute’s landmark investigations and creative data collection methods in the 1980s led to a deeper, clinical understanding of the patterns of interactions and behaviors of couples in happy, long-lasting relationships.
“The entire field of couples and marriage counseling underwent a re-boot,” Dr. Crossen says. “Previously, solid studies of beneficial approaches to working with couples did not exist. The Gottman findings led to the development of a practical and easy-to-understand model to build and sustain closeness, friendship and intimacy.”

Seeking Therapist Training & Certification?

- Achieve mutual understanding about your professional goals.
- Share his expertise to guide you and help you achieve your goals.
- Provide a post-assessment to ensure services have met your goals.
- Offer further consultation, such as professional assistance and mentorship, as needed.

Seeking help with your Relationship?

- Listen and interact with empathy and without judgement.
- Ask clarifying questions and check with each partner to ensure accurate understanding.
- Provide personalized treatment plans and flexible treatment processes.
- Undergo a thorough assessment process.
- Be guided by the principle that rich, effective relationships are possible for all couples regardless of gender, creed, color, ethnicity or income level.
Find your joy
Practicing psychologist in Oregon since 1986Affiliate Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology, Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU)

2006-16: Member of Oregon College and University Suicide Prevention Project
2009-16: Member of OHSU Threat Assessment Team
2010-16: Chief of Counseling and Behavioral Health at JBT Health & Wellness Center of OHSU
2010-15: Member Oregon University System Sexual Assault Prevention Task Force
2012-14: Member, School of Medicine Faculty Team: Resilience Skills for Medical Students
1987–2001: Attending Faculty, Department of Medical Psychology Postdoctoral and Residency Training Program
1987–2001: Member, Clinical Training Committee, Department of Medical Psychology
1992–1995: Small Group Facilitator, Principles of Clinical Medicine
1992: Small Group Facilitator, Cancer Care: Patient-Professional Communication and Ethical Issues, OHSU Center for Ethics in Health Care
1992: Committee Member for Master’s Thesis, OHSU School of Nursing
Quality of life following liver transplantation
1991: Faculty Supervisor, OHSU School of Nursing, Methods of Behavioral Research
1989 & 1991: Faculty Sponsor, OHSU Department of Neurology Residency elective:
Clinical Neuropsychology
1989: Faculty Sponsor, American Medical Association-Educational Research Foundation
1987-89: Faculty Sponsor, Freshman Medical Student Orientation
Affiliate Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology, Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU)

B.A., DePaul University, Psychology
M.A., Western Michigan University, Applied Behavior Analysis
University of Oregon, School Psychology
PH.D., University of New Mexico, Clinical Psychology
M.B.A., University of Oregon, Executive M.B.A. Program
Pre-doctoral Externships in Clinical Psychology: Veterans’ Administration Medical Center, Family Therapy, Neuropsychology
Pre-doctoral Internship in Clinical Psychology: OHSU
Post-doctoral Residency in Clinical Health Psychology: OHSU

Reflection Rounds—School of Nursing, BSN Intensive Placement
Reflection Rounds—Internal Medicine 3rd Year Clerkship
Making the Most of Criticism (Dental School)
Strengthening Relationships in Medical School
Conversations in Global Health
The Practice and Ethics of Science
Mind-Body Techniques (forum)
Resiliency Elective
Wellness Curriculum for Physician Assistant Program (Curriculum Development Advisor)
University of California, Berkeley, Gottman Method Couples Therapy
Drexel University, National Webinar at Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education: Health and Wellness in the Graduate and Professional Student Experience
Portland State University, Washington State University, University of Oregon, Chapman College, Kirtland Air Force Base, University of New Mexico, Western Michigan University

2002-present: APA Counseling Division, Section on College and University Counseling Centers
2002-present: APA Division on Psychologists in Academic Health Centers
1988-present: National Academy of Neuropsychology
1988-present: Oregon Psychological Association
1987-present: International Neuropsychological Society
1976-present: American Psychological Association (APA)

Master Certification, Gottman Couples Therapy Method, The Gottman Institute Balint Groups Fellowship (group method to help physicians cope with stresses)Reflective Practice, George Washington Institute on Spirituality in Healthcare

Peer-reviewed publications include:
Greene, A., Enbom, K., Crossen, J.R., Sexton, G., Neuwelt, E.A., & Ruzicka, P. (2002)
Evaluation of the Think-First for Kids injury prevention curriculum for primary students.
Injury Prevention, 8, 257-258
McAllister, L.D., Doolittle, N.D., Guastadisegni, P.E., Kraemer, D.F., Lacy, C.A., Crossen, J.R. & Neuwelt, E.A. (2000)
Cognitive outcomes and long-term follow-up after enhanced chemotherapy delivery for primary CNS lymphoma.
Neurosurgery, 46, 51-61.
Dahlborg, S.A., Petrillo, A., Crossen, J.R., Roman-Goldstein, S., Doolittle, N.D., Fuller, K.H., & Neuwelt, E.A. (1998)
The potential for complete and durable response in nonglial primary brain tumors in pediatric patients and young adults with enhanced chemotherapy delivery. The Cancer Journal from Scientific American, 4., 110-124.
Dermatologic Therapy, 1, 94-103.
Neuwelt, E.A., Dahlborg, S.A., Henner, W.D., Crossen, J.R., Tableman M., Grummel, A. (1996)
Non-AIDS primary CNS lymphoma: The first example of a durable response in a primary brain tumor using enhanced chemotherapy delivery without cognitive loss and without radiotherapy.
The Cancer Journal from Scientific American, 2, 1-9.
Crossen, J.R., Benner, K.G., Keeffe, E.B., Garvey-Schray, A., Whalen, J. & Mesch, J. (1994)
Psychological assessment of quality of life following liver transplantation.
Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 1, 71-82.
Reflective Practice, George Washington Institute on Spirituality in Healthcare

Advanced Gottman Clinical Trainer in Gottman Therapy: 2015 Gottman Seven Principles Educator: 2013
Certified Gottman Therapist: 2008 Fellow, National Academy of Neuropsychology: Elected 2008 National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology: Listed 1987 Chief Resident, Department of Medical Psychology, Oregon Health & Science University, 1985-87 Haught Fellowship, University of New Mexico, 1982
2014-15: ($25,000) Principle Investigator at OHSU for “Reflection Rounds,” in collaboration with George Washington University and funded by the John Templeton Foundation
2012-2016: (unfunded) Principle Investigator at OHSU: Suicide Risk in Medical Students and Students in Other Health Professions: Thomas Jefferson University Academic Health Center Consortium
2010-2016: (unfunded) Principle Investigator at OHSU: Undergraduate and Graduate Student Coping with Stressful Experiences: The National Research Consortium of Counseling Centers in Higher Education
2006-2016: Principal Investigator at OHSU: (unfunded) Oregon Universities Suicide Prevention Project, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: Campus Suicide Prevention Program and current self-funded Oregon College and University Suicide Prevention Project
1984-85: National Research Service Award: Pre-doctoral Fellowship, National Institute of Mental Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Project Title: Mood induction procedures and maintenance of smoking cessation. Fellowship#1 F31 0910801.Approved/funded

Oregon Board of Psychologist Examiners
State of Idaho Board of Psychology